Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Why is it...?

Why is it that when Black Lives matter activists or NFL players protest police acting inappropriately, they're called thugs and Un-American, but Trump criticizes law enforcement, there's no similar outrage?

Why is it that when Michelle Obama said that she finally proud to be an American when her husband was elected President she was excoriated as unpatriotic and worse, but Trump can characterize our nation as a violent wasteland in his inaugural speech and people applaud?

Why is it that President Obama was widely viewed with suspicion by the military and thought to be disrespectful of our service members for no discernible reason other than people thought a "liberal" must be against the military, but Trump can make multiple remarks deriding Senator McCain's time in a prison camp, saying that he knew more than "the generals" and many other disrespectful remarks, and he is thought to be a friend of the military?

Why is it that under Democratic Presidents pristine morality was considered a prerequisite for a President, and that Republicans were able to portray themselves as defenders of Christian values, but Trump, whose whole life is in opposition to any kind of morality, let alone Christian, can be championed by Evangelicals as their savior?

Why is it that those who claim to like and support Trump seem to like a fantasy version of Trump that bears little, if any, resemblance to the real Trump?

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