Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Until we figure out what's going on...

I don't know what's worse, Trump's enabling of the always-there-but-we-denied-it racism; his disrespect of of women, the disabled, immigrants, Muslims, and any other group you'd care to name; his pandering to the far right (or alt-right as we call them these days); his unrealistic promises to the white working class; his lack of understanding of economics, the environment and the workings of a constitutional democratic republic with built-in checks & balances; his autocratic tendencies; the unreasoning hatred of President Obama & a  mindless jihad to erase all of his accomplishments; his pattern of lying about virtually everything; appointing people to run government agencies who either want to eliminate their agencies or don't know what they do; the Russian connections of his family, his businesses and his associates; calling the free press an enemy of the people; attacking judges who rule against him; his refusal to divest himself of his businesses and the creeping nepotism; his refusal to release his tax returns or his bullying and disrespect of longtime allies.

There. The very length of that list is in itself a huge problem.

One might dismiss one or two items  as the grumblings of disaffected electoral losers, but the sheer flood of problems and issues should give anyone but the most committed Trumpist pause. Even if you agree that the PPACA should be repealed or replaced or repealed and replaced because it is "a disaster"; even if you really believe that the EPA is a job killer and that allowing coal companies to dump their waste in rivers will bring back jobs despite automation and cheap natural gas; even if you're not a fan of the mainstream media and think they're biased; even if you think we need to "start winning" (again); you can't possibly believe that the major news organizations are enemies of the people; that all of his associates who not only have Russian connection, but lie about it, is just a coincidence; that the series of lies about inconsequential matters is indicative of a sane mind; that he has even the germ of a plan to do any of the things that he talked about during the campaign.

Donald Trump simply does not know what the hell he is doing. He has chalked up a few victories with executive orders, tearing down what President Obama tried to do with his own executive orders, but anything that takes any kind of knowledge about how the world works, about how governing works, he has failed. Apparently he thought that the Presidency was all-powerful and that he could get what he wanted just because he wanted it. His spectacular failure at repealing and replacing the PPACA with 'something better' showed his abysmal ignorance, as the details of the new law was at odds with what he promised during the campaign and he didn't seem to realize it. His two failures to institute his travel ban showed his ignorance of how the judicial ranch worked. And Mexico still hasn't ponied up money for that wall.

We were so worried about Clinton using a private server that we got a President who uses an unsecured Android phone to tweet his idiocy; we were so worried about Clinton's so-called pay-for-play as Secretary of State that we got a President who daily profits from the enhanced position of his businesses; we were so worried about some lies that Clinton told that we got a President who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass.

America - we have a problem.