Monday, November 27, 2017

Pocahontas? Again? Really?

Is "Pocahontas" a racial slur? I have no idea, but I have seen articles claiming that it is, and others claiming that it isn't. I've also seen Trump supporters rationalize that since Trump doesn't believe Warren's claim that she has Native American ancestry, he is not mocking Natives, he is mocking Warren for claiming to be Native. Is Elizabeth Warren part Cherokee? I don't know. She bases her claim on stories her parents and grandparents told her, but has no documentation. She is, however, one of untold apparently white Americans who claim to be part Cherokee. I'll let actual Native Americans decide if calling someone "Pocahontas" is a slur, but Trump undoubtedly means it as an insult, like all his other schoolyard nicknames like "Lyin' Ted", "Low-Energy Jeb" or "Liddle Bob Corker" and even "Rocket Man". What is a certainty is that bringing it into the ceremony honoring the Navajo Code Talkers was extremely inappropriate. Even his supposed words of respect were rambling and apparently not thought through: "You're very, very, special people. You were here long before any of us here". What? Then he segues into his insult: "We have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago..." Huh? We know in retrospect that he's talking about Senator Warren, "they" say? They say she was here "a long time ago" What the hell is he babbling about? "They call her Pocahontas" sir, you call her Pocahontas. You know that this couldn't have been part of his scripted remarks, it was one of his stream of consciousness idiotic ramblings. He somehow thought it was appropriate, since was honoring Indians, that he work in a poke to an opponent using the name of an historic Indian.

Even if this wasn't a racial slur, it was just another in a continual cascade of bad judgement and disrespect. 

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