Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Crazy as a...well, just crazy

Trump statements, working back from about an hour ago:

  • Tells us to watch Sean Hannity
  • Announces that next Monday at 5:00PM he will be announcing "dishonest & corrupt media awards" (yes, another announcement that he will be making an announcement)
  • Responds to Kin Jong-Un's statement that he had a nuclear button on his desk by claiming that his nuclear button on his  desk was bigger
  • Complains (again) about giving foreign aid to Pakistan & the Palestinian Authority
  • Claims that since "we took Jerusalem (the toughest part of the negotiation) off the table, the Palestinians should be ready to sign a peace treaty with Israel
  • Complains that the Democrats aren't doing anything about DACA, which he cancelled and which he  is holding hostage until he gets his big, beautiful Wall
  • Congratulates the new New York Times Publisher while insulting their reporting and calling them dishonest
  • Took credit for no commercial airline deaths in 2017 because he "was very strict" about it
  • Claims that sanctions are working on North Korea despite his derision of previous presidents who did nothing but talk, his statement that we would not tolerate a nuclear North Korea even though they apparently have nuclear weapons now
  • Claimed that they handful of companies who gave their employees bonuses was due to the tax bill that had not gone into effect yet
  • Claimed that Huma Abedin should be in jail for sloppy security in the never-ending email saga
And that's just today

Don't forget Robert Mueller and the Russia investigation!

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