Saturday, February 17, 2018


Do I know how the Mueller investigation will end up? No - and do you know why? Because Mueller isn't a paranoid publicity hog, tweeting his every thought whose thoughts are shaped by "Fox and Friends". Mueller is methodically looking into every aspect of the Russia election interference. Some say that the indictment of thirteen Russian nationals this weeks confirms the attempted election influencing. The fact that Russia worked to prevent Hillary Clinton from being elected and that they favored the eventual Republican nominee, Donald Trump, was confirmed with high confidence by the three intelligence agencies that looked into it and approved by the Director of National Intelligence. This, by any objective standard, should have beyond any doubt a year ago, despite our president calling it a hoax and "fake news". The indictments of the thirteen Russians does not allege that they were successful in changing the election results, the indictments also do not conclude that there was collusion or coordination between these Russians and the Trump campaign. This is very different from concluding that there was no coordination or collusion, and it certainly does not conclude that the Russians were unsuccessful. It does not address those issues.

Keep in mind that these thirteen indictments do not exist in a vacuum. Four Trump associates have been charged or indicted so far, including Trump's former National Security Advisor and first campaign manager. There has also been a parade of campaign advisors, White House staffers and ad hoc associates who have been questioned as part of the investigation. There have been so many Trump people who have lied about their illegal or improper contacts with Russians that they'd likely fill the phone book for a medium-size city.

We don't know where this investigation will go, but we know this: it's not a hoax, or "fake news".

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