Sunday, September 2, 2018


We've long since identified such obvious Trumpisms as "believe me" and "people are saying", but what about some of the lesser known idiocisms?

"If (or when) you look at (or into) [...]"
This is usually in regard to something that most people aren't questioning, but Trump wants to cause you to question. An example might be:
"Oh well, if you look at the statistics, of people coming - I didn't say about Mexic...I say illegal immigrants - if you look at the statistics on rape, crime, on everything, coming in illegally into this country, they're mind boggling"

Basically, he knows that few of his supporters will "look at it", they just believe what he says, and usually, when you do look at it, it's the opposite of what he's saying.

"We're looking at (or studying) that"
Not the same as "When you look at" - although both use the word "look".

"We're going to throw out a policy that appeals to my racist base, but that otherwise makes no sense"

Use of the modifier "wonderful"
  1. Paul Manafort's wife
  2. Meeting with shooting victims
  3. Rex Tillerson
  4. Ivanka
  5. Donald Junior
  6. Eric
  7. Friendship with Macron
  8. DREAMers
  9. Eminent domain
  10. Hurricane Harvey response
  11. Michael Flynn
  12. EU
  13. Queen Elizabeth
  14. Nancy pelosi (sarcastically)
  15. Brexit
  16. Relationship with Haitians
  17. Brett Kavanaugh
Reminds me of VPW & LCM (if you know who they are) when he uses this word

Starting a tweet with "remember"
He usually follows "remember" with some half-baked, unsubstantiated opinion, such as "Remember, NAFTA is the worst trade deal in history", or "Remember, Mueller is leading a witch hunt"

The "Sir Alert
When Trump tells you that someone approached him and he starts the quote of what they said with "Sir..." you can bet that it's bullshit for example:

"So they said, 'Sir, do you mind cancelling Kansas tonight?' I said 'No way I'm cancelling Kansas, no way, no way'"

"Sir" is usually followed by some ridiculous story about someone approaching him to tell him how great he is or how wonderful is latest "policy" is

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