Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trump Has To Go

 Here I am once again preaching to the choir, or talking to myself, or shouting into the wind, but despite everything else that's going on, I have to say it again, Trump has to go. 

I'm am sick and tired of the one issue voters. "Vote for Trump! He's Against Abortion! - Democrats want to kill babies!" I understand that abortion is the number one issue for some people. I understand that nothing is more important than outlawing abortion for those people. What I don't understand is why these "pro-life" people are willing to burn the country to the ground with an incompetent narcissist in the White House in order to hold on to the hope that a supposedly conservative Supreme Court majority will overturn Roe vs. Wade. 

I'm sick and tired of the one per-centers who rationalize that his regulatory cuts have made their businesses more profitable and increased stock prices. Yes, there is such a thing as burdensome regulations. Some regulations just generate extra paperwork and do nothing to solve the problems that they are supposed to solve. But it shouldn't always be about the cost. The purpose of most government regulations is to implement legislation. I work for a state government agency. In the last legislative session, a statute was passed instituting a deadline for review of certain incentive programs. A group of people within my agency has been at work coming up with guidelines for taxpayers so that we can meet the new deadline and still comply with existing statutes. There are some requirements that taxpayers may look upon as burdensome or unnecessary, but are needed to make sure that we are following the law while conforming to the new timeline. Trump has prioritized cost above safety, above environmental quality, above consumer protection. Federal agencies that exist to protect worker's safety, environmental quality and consumers have been gutted with regulations designed to carry out the agencies' missions going unenforced.

I'm sick and tired of the ignorant people who parrot Trump's claim that he has accomplished more than any president in history. Sometimes the claim is "more for African-Americans or more for Hispanics". These claims, when looked at objectively, are nonsense. His signature claim, that he would build a "big, beautiful" wall that Mexico would pay for (and that they'd "like it") is a bust. The last time I checked there were exactly 3 miles of new construction, plus around 200 miles of repairs and upgrades, some of those have actually fallen down in high winds or toppled over due to the foundation being undermined. He has not repealed "Obamacare", the PPACA, although he has tried continually throughout his term to do so. He claims to have eliminated the ISIS caliphate. While it is true that ISIS no longer holds any territory, they are alive and well and still operating. Their territorial holdouts were largely defeated by Kurdish militias (who we subsequently abandoned to the Turks) and the Iraqi army with US air support. Spend some time looking up his long list of executive orders and you'll find that they are largely toothless proclamations; most of the legislation that he signed while the Republicans still held the majority in the House of Representatives was similarly fluff. His one legislative achievement, the 2017 tax changes, was far short of historic, resulting in large cuts for the wealthiest Americans and for corporations, while delivering a barely noticeable cut for most Americans. 

I'm sick and tired of those who justify supporting Trump because they think that the Democrats are all socialists, or hate God, or want to dismantle the military. Shit...none of that even justifies discussion. 

Trump was counting on an economy that, by some measures, was booming to justify his re-election, and hoping that enough people wouldn't notice that the trends were merely a continuation of what started during his predecessor's administration. The onset of Covid-19 showed just how fragile our economy really was. Now he has to distract us from his poor handling of the crisis and the subsequent economic recession by blaming China, the Democrats, the media and even epidemiologists for the mess we're in. He has been pushing hard to sow distrust in our election infrastructure and to hobble the Post Office's ability to handle mail-in ballots at a time when voting by mail is becoming more common. He is not suggesting, but saying plainly that if he loses it will be prima facie evidence that the election was rigged. He has refused to say, as he he refused in 2016, that he would respect the results if he lost. 

Are Vice President Biden and Senator Harris perfect? Of course not, no matter what your definition of perfect is. Like it or not, the way things are is that there are two major parties and the president will come from one of them. Biden may not be who you think is best for the country, but he is certainly the sane choice. 

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