Sunday, October 25, 2020

Donald J. Trump is a Serial Liar

Some people feel that they are making an informed choice to support Donald Trump. I regularly engage with people on social media regarding politics. While there are definitely the name-callers and the conspiracy followers, there is also a large number of people who adopt a rational tone and present information in a calm reasonable manner.

The problem is that the information that they are presenting ultimately comes from what Donald Trump is telling them. 

And Donald Trump is a serial liar.

I'm not going to wear down my typing fingers (especially since there only two fingers that I use to type) listing all the lies Donald Trump has told over the last four years. There's plenty of sources enumerating them. Now Trumpists and Trump himself will point the finger at "Fake News" and claim that the reporting on the lies are themselves lies. But you don't have to depend on traditional mainstream media for your facts. Virtually all of Trump's lies can be checked against publically available websites, including U.S. government websites. An early lie that Trump told was that his Electoral College win was historic, or unprecedented, except that a Google search of Electoral College results of  every presidential election shows that his winning margin was more like the 45th best. Trump's claims about the economy are also based on lies. He claims that our economy, including job creation, the stock market and unemployment numbers are "the best ever", when even a cursory look at economic trends indicate that all the positive numbers are simply a continuation of the trends that started during the previous administration. It goes on and on. The information is out there and easily accessed. 

Donald Trump likes to claim that he has gotten more done "in 47 months than Joe Biden got done in 47 years" and that Biden is "all talk and no action". Biden's legislative accomplishments easily discovered, and he was by all accounts an active Vice President and a trusted advisor to President Obama. Trump, for all his bragging and boasting, has had only one significant legislative achievement, the tax change that was a giveaway to corporations and the rich; his numerous executive orders are empty barrels. 

So take a look, Trumpists, at the facts. Facts, not Trumpian assertions. Because if you're basing your support of Trump on what Trump says he has accomplished, then in all likelihood, you're basing your support on a lie

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