Sunday, February 5, 2017

Everyone Should Be Concerned

I can live with policy disagreements, I can live with differences of opinion. In regard to the newly inaugurated President Trump, I don't think that it's his policies that are the root problem, it's his apparent lack of connection to reality and belief that the rules have never applied to him, less so now that he is the president. Now that's not to say that his policies aren't a problem, in my view they most definitely are. If you can even call them policies - more like reactions than actual thought-through positions. That's what really scares me, that he'll get us into a war because of something that he saw on 'Nick at Nite'.

His impulsive use of Twitter should concern everyone. His near constant lying should concern everyone. His attacks on private citizens should concern everyone. His ignorance of the Constitution, including the separation of powers should concern everyone. His attacks on judges should concern everyone. His relentless attempts to discredit the media in order and define what facts are should concern everyone. The way he and his spokespeople deny that he said things that he has said in writing and on national television should concern everyone. The recent threats that he made to Iran and especially Mexico should concern everyone.

But everyone isn't concerned. Trump supporters repeat his lies and defend his lack of understanding. They make excuses and rationalize his craziness. That should concern everyone.

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