Sunday, February 5, 2017

Immigration Ban

While I agree that we have to police our borders and keep terrorists out, there are some things about  Trump's recent Executive Order regarding immigration that just smell funny:

  • During the campaign, Trump initially said that he would ban immigration by Muslims; he later walked this back. Rudy Giuliani recently said that Trump asked him to advise him on how he could do a Muslim ban legally
  • Trump repeatedly claims that we do not vet immigrants, including refugees. In fact the process is long and detailed and applicants are by no means assured of entry. Trump used the term "extreme vetting" during the campaign, but did not expand on what that meant. Apparently it meant "no one gets in"
  • Numerous green card holders, which meant that they had been granted permanent residence status, were denied re-entry when returning to the United States after visiting family in their home countries
  • Numerous refugees were denied entry after going through the 18-24 month vetting process
  • Trump claims that President Obama had instituted a similar ban, which is not true, the Obama administration had tightened up vetting standards, which admittedly caused delays for some people
  • There have been no terrorist attacks by immigrants from the countries on the ban list, but there has been from countries not on the list where Trump has business interests
  • Once immigration was opened up again, precedence would be given to Christians
It is clear that President Trump's initial thinking was to ban Muslims, but realized that it would be illegal to do so based solely on religion, which is why former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates refused to execute the Executive Order. 

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