Monday, October 9, 2017

Why Does It Always Have to Be About Trump?

To put it bluntly, this is some serious shit. We have had multiple hurricanes hitting the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean this year, with death and destruction. We have a lot of professionals in FEMA, the military (including the National Guard) as well as local organizations and individuals doing their best to help. Inevitably there will be problems and some people overlooked and areas poorly served, no matter what the intentions. People will complain, people will point fingers, local officials will highlight problems as often as they express thanks for the help. The targets of the complaints usually bite their tongues, realizing that some of the complaints are likely justified and even if not, those effected are under a lot of stress and striking back is counterproductive, not to mention cruel.

As usual, our President has made it all about him. He has attacked the Mayor of San Juan for complaining about the federal response, he has suggested that the people of Puerto Rico are lazy, he has crowed about "good reviews" (what is this a Broadway show?) and even posted a video highlighting all that he has supposedly done for Puerto Rico that the "Fake News" hasn't reported, whining all the while about the lack of appreciation. He has commented on how Puerto Rican rebuilding is  going to break the budget, and complained about how tough it is to get help to Puerto Rico because "it's in the middle of an ocean, a big ocean". And let's not forget the ridiculous photo ops that included remarks like "have a good time" and the throwing of paper towels.

As usual, no matter how grave the situation, it's all about Trump.

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