Sunday, June 9, 2019


Sure Trump is an incompetent, ignorant narcissist, but there's a very competent, very knowledgeable guy who is aiding and abetting him every step of the way.

Senator Mitch McConnell.

Mitch McConnell is, and has been, as far back as 2008, a hyper-partisan. Mitch McConnell stated, out loud for everyone to hear, that his goal was to make Barack Obama a one term president. He failed in that goal, but succeeded in hamstringing Obama, preventing him from accomplishing much of anything during his two terms.

McConnell was the Senate Minority Leader when Obama was elected. Obama rode to victory along with a majority in the House of Representatives and a 60-vote majority in the Senate. Those 60 votes were extremely important since, until recently any Senator could hold up a vote by filibustering (basically talking without end). It took 60 votes to invoke cloture, i.e. an end to a filibuster and initiate a vote. In practice, the Senate began to look at 60 votes as what was needed to pass a bill. McConnell took full advantage of this once the Senate Democratic majority fell below 60 votes when Senator Kennedy died and a Republican was elected in his place; holding up legislation with delaying tactics. When the Republicans regained the majority, McConnell had free reign to stymie Obama's agenda with impunity. In his most egregious partisan move, he refused to grant a hearing, let alone confirm, President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court in 2016, rationalizing that a president should not be allowed to pick a Supreme Court justice in an election year. Not at all concerned about the appearance of hypocrisy, he recently stated that should an opening occur in 2020 he would confirm Trump's pick.

While the Senate remained in Republican hands after the 2018 elections, the House of Representatives flipped to Democratic control. McConnell persists in his obstructionist ways, refusing to bring up for a vote over 100 bills passed by the House of Representatives. The one bit of business that Mitch has no problem conducting is confirming the many judicial appointees; positions that are open due to eight years of refusing to confirm Obama's appointees.

Trump may be a danger to the country, ignorant and incompetent, but he is extremely useful to partisan hack, Mitch McConnell

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