Monday, January 27, 2020


I'm not going to spend any more time trying to convince anyone that Trump should be impeached (at least not today). If you think that soliciting interference in our elections from a foreign head of state is okay, then there's no hope for you. If you think it's bad, but not impeachable, then I wonder what you think is impeachable? Again, no hope. If you think that Trump's legal team debunked the House Managers' case, not by actually debunking, but by merely saying they debunked it, then you're a full-on cult member.

I listened to three hours of Trump's team on Saturday and their defense never was that Trump didn't do what everyone says he did, that a memo reconstructing a phone call that they're calling a transcript records him doing what everyone says he did. No they're saying that it's perfectly okay to be doing what everyone says he did. Oh, and a lot of lying. If I have to list them all one by one, there's no hope for you.

And now we have John Bolton. After all the nonsense about secondhand information and presumption, when the whole damn State Department knew what was going on, we have someone who was in the room, who was privy to all the conversations and decisions, who reportedly called Giuliani's shadow diplomacy and conspiracy-theorizing a "drug deal", who say he'll testify if subpoenaed, and they're arguing about whether he should testify.

I can see why Trump and his legal team wouldn't want him to talk. But he sort of already has. The relevant sections of his manuscript have been leaked and we know that he knows that Trump linked aid to Ukraine with a bogus investigation into a potential political rival. Every Republican Senator now knows that all the bluster about it being all legal and above board is bullshit.

Will they keep Bolton away and pretend that they don't know what he knows? Or will they do what's right for the country and let Bolton testify?

I'm not holding my breath.

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