Sunday, January 5, 2020

Let's Not Forget Impeachment

In case you forgot, Trump was impeached. He was only the third president to have been impeached. If you're a little shaky on how it all works, impeachment doesn't mean that a president is removed from office. It is similar to a criminal indictment in that The House of Representatives has determined that there is sufficient evidence for a trial in the Senate. The Senate theoretically weighs the evidence and either votes, by 2/3 majority, to convict, resulting in removal from office, or acquittal, which results in him remaining in office. We still have not had the Senate trial, so removal is still theoretically an open question.

The recent assassination of an Iranian general is nothing more than a distraction from the question of whether Trump should be removed from office.

According to Trump, Soleimani was killed in order to prevent attacks on Americans that he was in the process of planning - a preemptive strike to save American lives. There are several problems with that explanation:

  1. Soleimani was answerable to the Iranian leadership - if an attack was in the works, surely the next general in line will implement the plan
  2. Also according to Trump, Soleimani has been planning and carrying out attacks against Americans and our allies for years. Why kill him now?
  3. For someone who is now being described as the face of evil, and the biggest threat to the United States in the world today, there's is an amazingly small amount of information about him available before last week
  4. Trump has, until recently, been firm about bringing our forces hone from the region and refraining from getting involved in endless wars
  5. Trump infamously does not listen to experts, especially not in our intelligence services
I don't believe that there's any other explanation than:
  1. Trump is trying to distract from the upcoming Senate trial
  2. Trump is looking to increase his chances of reelection by appearing to be decisive regarding national security
The ramifications of Trump's adventurism notwithstanding, he has still attempted to suborn a foreign head of state in an effort to influence an election. He still lied about it and obstructed any investigation into his actions. Despite Mueller finding no evidence of anything that met the legal definition of conspiracy or of any coordination with Russia, Trump still accepted and encouraged foreign assistance. Mueller identified numerous examples of obstruction; the only thing that prevented an indictment on that charge was a longstanding Department of Justice opinion that a sitting president could not be indicted. 

He is damaged goods. Whatever he is attempted with regard to Iran should not distract from his ongoing crimes. 

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