Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Quick Break

Taking a few days off from pointing out Trump's incompetency, divisiveness, and his dangerous agenda. I'm not holding my breath, but maybe he'll handle this crisis in Texas as a President should. I'll withhold judgement for a bit.

Be assured the following hasn't been forgotten:

  1. Russia
  2. Conflicts of interest
  3. Chaotic infighting in the White House
  4. Encouraging bigotry, including white supremacy and Nazism
  5. Irrational need to erase anything Obama did
  6. Russia
  7. Serial lying
  8. Nepotism 
  9. Golf every weekend
  10. Saber rattling against North Korea, Iran and Venezuela
  11. Plan that is no plan in Afghanistan
  12. Sabotage of PPACA
  13. Ill-considered removal of regulations (or perhaps benefiting his buddies)
  14. Undermining the free press
  15. Russia

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