Sunday, August 13, 2017

And You Thought We Defeated the Nazis

Like I said in a previous blog, I just can't keep up with Trump. Who would have thought that there would be something that would push the specter of two military interventions, one nuclear, from the front pages? That story was one of a large White Supremacist/Neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville Virginia that devolved into violence and the death of one of the counter-protesters. Trump made a weasel-worded statement that decried hatred "on all sides" and refused to answer a question about White Supremacist terror.

I hope no one is surprised.

Trump campaigned on an us versus them platform that was short on specifics, short on remedies, but long on hatred. Even before his run for President, who can credibly claim that his "birther" attacks on President Obama, if not motivated by personal racism, were designed to stir up racist sentiment by many Americans? His statement that "the blacks" love him did not negate his idiotic assertion that black neighborhoods were filled with death, violence, drugs, no jobs and crappy schools. He expressed his belief that a judge could not try his case fairly "because he was a Mexican".  He seemed irked that people expected him to reject support from KKK leader David Duke. And most egregious, he has staffed his White House with people who openly espouse the White Supremacist agenda. It is clear that the racist, bigoted, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist portion of America now feels that being a racist, bigoted, Neo-Nazi White Supremacist is politically acceptable.

President Trump had the opportunity yesterday, as he had on other occasions, to specifically condemn Right-Wing, Racist, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi hatred. These people came together with no other purpose than to spew their hatred. As if the Confederate battle flags weren't enough of a clue, now the Nazi flags are in full view. We've all heard the bullshit about the Confederate flag being all about "Southern culture", but what bedtime stories are these people telling themselves that justifies a god-damn Nazi flag? But did Trump call out this hatred by name? Of course not, he weasel-worded that there was hatred "on all sides" in his insipid "condemnation".

This is what you got when you voted for him (or for Stein or Johnson, or stayed home) - you unleashed the hatred that has been bubbling beneath the surface that now has permission to come out and play.

I hope no one was surprised.

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