Sunday, August 13, 2017

Lest We Forget

The fact that the President of the United States, (or least his family, businesses and close associates including campaign officials), is being investigated for illegal actions related to Russia's attempt to interfere with and influence the presidential election, and it isn't the top story anywhere today, is in fact, at least third or fourth in line, should scare the shit out of us all.

But despite the war-mongering, despite the false equivalence between Neo-Nazis & protesters, despite the legislative failures and the feuds with his own friggin' party, the investigation continues.

President Trump might denigrate any mention of this investigation as "fake news", he might jokingly ask "are there any Russians here?" at a rally last week ( a rally? quite another subject) and call it all a witch hunt, but why then are there so many meetings that his people "forgot" to include on security clearance forms or outright lied about? (Scurrilous, I say, scurrilous!)

Let not forget that this investigation is still proceeding.

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