Sunday, August 13, 2017

And of Course There's the Day-to-Day Sabotage

I discussed regulations the other day
(, and the ongoing rollback, which is pretty much all Trump and his band of Congressmen have accomplished so far. Trumpists, and conservatives in general, support eliminating regulations, until, of course, regulations that they like get eliminated. Somewhat similar to how everyone wanted to repeal the PPACA until they realized that they actually liked large parts of it. But despite Trump's failure to get the PPACA repealed, he has expended plenty of energy undermining and sabotaging the law, causing instability in the markets and uncertainty about the future for millions of Americans. The good news is that Republicans and Democrats have indicated that they are willing to work together to stabilize the insurance markets, but they are working at cross-purposes with a president who has an irrational need to destroy everything that his predecessor has accomplished. Trump may have no idea about how legislation works, but that doesn't mean that he can't still do a lot of damage. His interactions with Congress on the PPACA is just one illustration of how his petulant and vengeful nature manifests itself. He had no plan, no ideas, didn't know the details of the plans that were out there and had no understanding of why the legislation couldn't pass. So he yells, he bullies, he insults. And everything grinds to a halt. Meanwhile, something that actually has bipartisan support - infrastructure investment, will likely never get done because we're bogged down in fulfilling unrealistic campaign promises.   

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